
吸脂 是用來塑造身體,使其更加雕刻。 在這方面,醫生需要一種高效的超聲波機器來幫助他們進行這項手術。

事實證明,超聲成像在重建手術中可用於識別各種皮瓣的穿孔器, - 包括大腿前外側皮瓣和上腹深部下腹穿孔皮瓣。


To screen patients for abdominal wall defects before liposuction or abdominoplasty the physician needs a Color Doppler ultrasound scanner with a wide range of depth the 西弗特拉斯-5.42.

This type of cosmetic surgery needs an ultrasound with high-intensity and high-frequency to select the fats. Ultrasound scans are highly accurate, noninvasive, and well-tolerated by patients.

Patients undergoing abdominal liposuction and/or abdominoplasty have to be scanned for any possible abdominal wall defects such as possible hernias. Further, early detection of deep venous thromboses is possible. Unnecessary anticoagulation may be avoided. Subclinical abdominal defects may be detected. 

除了早期發現DVT外,超聲篩查還可能有助於預防另一種罕見但破壞性的並發症-內臟穿孔。 超聲評估在先前有腹部手術和瘢痕形成的患者中尤其重要。 在作者的實踐中,術前使用超聲對所有接受吸脂和腹部成形術的患者進行篩查。

Needless to mention that the value of “point of care” diagnosis has been recognized. Making the diagnosis in the plastic surgery office expedites patient treatment and reduces  the inconvenience and expense of a patient visit to a hospital radiology department.

超聲輔助吸脂術由腹部整形醫生,美容師和 整形外科醫生..

參考: 診斷超聲在整形外科中的擴展作用.


  儘管使用了我們提供的信息,但是醫生,放射科醫生,醫務人員執行了其程序,臨床應用,但本文中包含的信息僅供參考。 對於設備的誤用或設備與本文提到的每種臨床應用或程序的適用性,我們概不負責。
