
The stapes is the third of three tiny bones in the middle ear and the one closest to the inner ear. It’s occasionally called the stirrup.

In some cases, the stapes can become stuck and cannot vibrate freely, as it is intended to do in order to transmit sound into the inner ear. A condition called Otosclerosis.

This leads to a form of hearing loss called: a conductive hearing loss. This condition can also reach the inner ear capsule, resulting in another type of hearing loss called sensorineural hearing loss.


Lippy et al. (2003), in their article Twenty-Year Review of Revision Stapedectomy, concluded that “more than 70% of revision stapedectomy cases for hearing improvement have had successful closure of their air-bone gap. Since the introduction of the laser 5 years ago, the success rate has increased to 80%. In those specific cases where the laser was required, the success rate increased to 91.4%” (p.560).

These percentages were confirmed by the Sunny Brook Health Sciences Center, who stated that 85% of patients will have a significant hearing improvement.

該過程是通過在耳朵上方的一個小切口(稱為耳內切口)在中耳完成的。 提起鼓膜並進入中耳。 為了替換the骨,使用激光去除了骨頭的上半部分。 之後,再次使用激光穿過the骨的腳踏板開一個小開口。

分割器 手術器械,尤其是 SIFLASER-1.1, 絲光激光 3.3 和 絲光激光 3.2 波長范圍在455 nm至1470 nm之間變化,功率範圍為0.5W – 60W,具體取決於產品的應用並適應 耳科醫生或耳鼻喉科醫生.




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